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"We are your children, Kazakhstan! We live in a new world!"


"We are your children, Kazakhstan! We live in a new world!" In the framework of the implementation of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program on 02/17/2020, on the basis of the Krasnooktyabrsky school, the 4th regional Forum of leaders Zhas Ulan “We are your children, Kazakhstan! We live in a new world!”, Dedicated to the Year of the Volunteer, was held. The Forum was attended by the methodologist of the Education Department Arstymbaeva Kulzada Karaevna, the director of the House of Schoolchildren Dusayeva Sholpan Kaypullovna, senior counselors and school activists.

Zhasulanovtsy from Altynsarinskaya school, Bestyubinskaya school, Zhayylminskaya school, Kamystinskaya school 1 and Kamystinskaya school 2, Karabatyr school, Krasnooktyabrsky school, Lebanon school presented a creative analysis of the work of their children's organization for 2019.
The activization of school self-government is noticeable, as evidenced by photo reports and an exhibition of school achievements. Much attention is paid to volunteer activities, the guys assist elderly single people in clearing the snow, hold the Bird House, Care, Give Good, and many other actions. During the work of the dialogue platform, the Zhasulanovites shared their plans for 2020, offered ideas for interesting events.
Within the framework of the Forum, school principals, teachers, students with diplomas of the Republican Headquarters "Zhas Ulan", the regional organization and the district department of education were awarded for the contribution and development of the children's movement. All participants of the Forum were awarded certificates. Behind the fruitful 2019 year. Ahead are new challenges, interesting ideas that our children are realizing at 100%!

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