Visually impaired theme


"Talented teacher-gifted children."


February 24, 2020 the district stage of the republican pedagogical Olympiad "Talented teacher-gifted children." The main goal of the event is to increase the importance of professional pedagogical education and the teaching profession, to identify the most talented pedagogically oriented youth, as well as to exchange experience in the field of pedagogy of education.
             High school students from Kamystinsky secondary school No. 1, Altynsarinsky secondary school, Karabatyrsky secondary school, young specialists (teachers, psychologists, counselors, whose work experience is not more than 5 years) took part in the pedagogical olympiad.
             According to the results of the competition, the jury determined the winners among the young specialists:

I place - Sabyrzhanova Anara Serikovna - physics teacher at the Altynsarinsky secondary school;
I place - Albekova Dilyara Abdaykhanovna - school psychologist at Kamystinsky secondary school No. 1;
I place - Ermekpaev Azamat Muratovich - senior counselor of the Kamystinsky secondary school №1;
II place - Sharovatova Julia Vadimovna - teacher of mathematics at Kamystinsky school №1
II place - Bekpolatov Saparbek Zhaksilikuly - teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of the Krasnooktyabrsky secondary school;
II place - Kabdysalykova Akbota Shalkarovna - primary school teacher of the Altynsarinskaya secondary school;
III place - Glushko Valentina Vladimirovna - biology teacher at Kamystinsky school №1;
III place - Daulethan Aybarys - teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of the Bestubinsk school;
III place - Makhambetova Akbola Kushekbaevna - teacher of the checkpoint of the Karabatyr school

Among high school students, the places were determined as follows:
I place - team of Altynsarinskaya school
II place - the team of the Karabatyr school
III place - team of Kamystinsky school №1
The winners of the district stage of the Pedagogical Olympiad, who took 1st place, will represent the district at the regional stage.

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