On January 31, 2020, the State Institution “Education Department of the Akimat of the Kamystinsky District”, in order to promote the state language, held the next regional Kazakh language olympiad “Zharkyn Bolashak”
43 students from 10 schools of the district took part in the Olympiad (Altynsarinskaya secondary school - 7, Adaevskaya secondary school - 4, Bestyubinskaya secondary school - 5, Kamystinskaya secondary school No. 1 - 7, Kamystinskaya secondary school No. 2 - 4, Karabatyrskaya secondary school - 9, Krasnooktyabrskaya secondary school - 2, Klochkovskaya school - 2, Livanovskaya school school - 2, Taldykolsaya school school - 1).
Based on the decision of the commission, the results were summed up and the winners determined: Beineleushіler 2nd place - Kuanbaev Tamerlan - a pupil of the 9th grade of the Altynsarinsky school, 3rd place - Akhtichanova Evelina - a pupil of the 9th grade of the Altynsarinskaya school; 3rd place - Zhiryutina Diana - student of the 11th grade of Klochkovskaya school "Bіlgіrler bәygesі" 1st place - Kөpshіlіk Perizat - a pupil of the 9th grade of Kamystinsky secondary school No. 2, 2nd place - Atygay Madina - student of the 8th grade of the Karabatyr school, 2nd place - Amanzhol Botaguz - 8th grade student of the Karabatyr school.
"Сөз шеберлері" 1st place - Nұreddin Nұrlybek - student of the 8th grade of the Karabatyr school, 2 place - Egamberdieva Narhal - a student of the 7th grade of the Karabatyr school, 3rd place - Tlevkabylova Dariga - a pupil of the 9th grade of Kamystinsky secondary school No. 2, 3rd place - Potekhin Daniil - a pupil of the 7th grade of the Altynsarinskaya school "Әнші-бұлбұлдар" 1st place - Nayzagarineva Karina - a student of the 7th grade of the Kamystinsky secondary school №1 2nd place - Rustemova Aruzhan - student of the 10th grade of Altynsarinskaya school 2nd place - Popovskaya Diana - a student of the 9th grade of the Altynsarinskaya school 3rd place - Zhunusov Nursultan - a student of the 8th grade of the Karabatyr school
"Zhas Kalamger"
1st place - Sapakov Chingiz - a pupil of the 9th grade of the Karabatyr school,
2nd place - Duysen Kulyash - a student of the 10th grade of the Altynsarinskaya school,
3rd place - Kulbatyrova Diana, a 9th grade student of Kamystinsky secondary school No. 2
Winners who won prizes were awarded with certificates of ROO.